
  • "Emotional Expressions and Advocacy Coalitions"

    Fullerton, A.H., Gabehart, K.M., & Weible, C.M. 2024. “Emotional Expressions and Advocacy Coalitions.” International Review of Public Policy. 6(1).

  • "Signing Globally, Implementing Locally: Protecting Endangered Wildlife and the Predicament of Germany’s Federalism"

    Gabehart, K.M. & Stefes, C.H. 2024. “Signing Globally, Implementing Locally: Protecting Endangered Wildlife and the Predicament of Germany’s Federalism.” German Politics. ttps://

  • "Rurality, Resilience, & Identity: A Soft Systems Methodology Approach to Understanding Self-Reported Issues in Rural America"

    Gabehart, K.M., Fullerton, A.H., & Olofsson, K. 2024. “Ruralits, Resilience, & Identity: A Soft Systems Methodology Approach to Understanding Self-Reported Issues in Rural America.” Online Journal of Rural Research and Policy, 19(1).

  • “Policy Feedback and the Implementation of International Wildlife Treaties in Germany.”

    Gabehart, K.M., Fullerton, A.H., & Stefes, C.H. (2023). “Policy Feedback and the Implementation of International Wildlife Treaties in Germany.” European Policy Analysis.

  • "How are Emotions and Beliefs Expressed in Legislative Testimonies? An Advocacy Coalition Approach"

    Gabehart, K.M., Fullerton, A.F., Crawford, A.M., and Weible C.M. (2023). “How are emotions and beliefs expressed in legislative testimonies? An advocacy coalition approach.” Review of Policy Research.

  • "Advocacy Coalition Framework"

    Gabehart, K.M and Weible, C.M. (2023). “Advocacy Coalition Framework.” In M. van Gerven et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Public Policy. Springer Nature.

  • "Lessons from the Advocacy Coalition Framework for Climate Change Policy and Politics"

    Gabehart, K.M., Nam, A., and Weible, C.M. (2022). “Lessons from the Advocacy Coalition Framework for climate change policy and politics.” Climate Action 1:13.

  • “Analysing Emotional Discourse among Allies and Opponents in Newsmedia”

    Description goes hereFullerton, A.H., Gabehart, K.M., Yordy, J. & Weible, C.M. (2023, forthcoming). “Analysing Emotional Discourse among Allies and Opponents in Newsmedia.” Emotions and Society. Accepted as part of a special issue.

  • “Rural Society, Democratic Exclusion, and the Cultural Divide: Moving Towards a Research Agenda of the Study of Ruralness”

    Gabehart, K.M. (2022). “Rural Society, Democratic Exclusion, and the Cultural Divide: Moving Towards a Research Agenda of the Study of Ruralness.” Public Integrity.


Gabehart, Kayla M. (forthcoming). “Conservation in Conflict: Examining Rural-Urban Discourse in Wolf Reintroduction Policy in Colorado.” Review of Policy Research. Part of a Special Issue on food and conservation policy. Under Review.

Gabehart, Kayla M. (forthcoming). “Understanding Coalitions’ Emotion-Belief Expressions and Rural Identity: An ACF Study of Colorado’s ‘MeatOut.’” Under Review.

Gabehart, K.M., Dinardi, M., Swann, W.L. and Banerji, S. (2023, forthcoming). “Urban-Rural Differences in Reported Ivermectin Poisoning Exposures During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2021.” Clinical Toxicology. Under Review.

Weible, Christopher M., Allegra H. Fullerton, Kayla M. Gabehart, Tanya Heikkila, Karin Ingold, Elizabeth Koebele, and Daniel Nohrstedt. (forthcoming). “Advancing the Study of Policy Change in the Advocacy Coalition Framework: Lessons from Oil and Gas Legislation in Colorado.” Policy Studies Journal. Under Review.

Weible, Christopher M., Anna M. Crawford, Allegra H. Fullerton, Kayla M. Gabehart, Katie E. Imhoff, Giulia Mariani, and Ariana J. Tyler. (forthcoming). “Deep Core Advocacy Coalitions.” Policy and Society. Under Review